Consumer Research

A customized research model for obtaining quick actionable marketing inputs.
Anything qualitative in nature will be tracked and researched on regular basis
Quick feedback on:

-Concept test
-Brand tracks
-Competition scan
-Retail Audits
-Diagnostic studies
-Rural Understanding
-Content development
-Dipstick studies etc.

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Focused Group Discussion

A commonly used technique used to understand the perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging.

In-Depth Interviews & CHV’s

Used in situations when respondents are hard to reach, information is confidential or if natural setting is necessary to not influence or bias Responsive.

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100% natural setting to understand the influence of culture, society, climate, religion, interaction with individuals etc.

Consumer Home Visits

In order to understand barriers and influences, viewers can be accompanied or observed by researchers as bystanders’ in their homes.

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Mini Focus Group

Ideal for conversing with groups that are difficult to reach, or when subject matter requires more explanation, or if it is an Experimental design that requires the need to vary stimuli across multiple groups or individuals.

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